Windows 7 has been our main Operating System for a decade. It’s time to say goodbye to our friend, and hello to Windows 10 – with improved visuals and a very different overall experience than you are used to. Windows 7 was a stable and reliable Operating System. It just worked! Which is what PC computing should be all about.

Windows 7 has been a near perfect example of what people believe their operating systems should be. After 10 years, support for Windows 7 is coming to an end on January 14, 2020. At which point you will be forced to either upgrade to Windows 10 (by purchasing it) or be left with a potential online security issue by remaining with Windows 7. All security updates and patches will stop for Windows 7 on January 14.
After a few years something followed Windows 7. Microsoft created Windows 8. A resounding flop. It was shot down by the public who reacted negatively to it’s tile design and was never really adopted by the public. If you had upgraded to either Windows 8 or 8.1 you will have a little bit of a reprieve when it comes to being forced to upgrade. Those OS’s will be receiving their EOL 3 years from now.

Windows 8.1 EOL will be January 10, 2023
What does all of this mean for the user? It means your PC systems will be virtually defenseless against new threats developed by unscrupulous people. Unfortunately ransomware, malware, and viruses will have an easier time to penetrate your system as a direct result of this.
If you upgrade to Windows 10. You will have restored your protection to a passable level. Although, Internet security systems would become a great asset by complimenting Windows 10’s security.
So, what is involved in upgrading to Windows 10? The simplest answer is about 2 hours of work and depending on the age of your systems, you will need to do a full installation instead of an upgrade. Although full installs are always recommended for system stability, it may be possible for you get by without the need to do a clean installation of Windows.
GriffinIT will provide our customers with a reduced price for Windows 10, as we expect customers will want to upgrade. This offer is only good till the date of EOL – January 14, 2020. After which point it will be returned to full price. If you wish to schedule your upgrade. Please email us at Media & Text

Windows 10 EOL will be October 15, 2025
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